Association Child Heart South Tyrol
Every year 50 to 60 children with congenital heart disease are born in South Tyrol.
We decided to help those who don´t have an easy life.
We cannot relieve families and children from their destiny, their worries and their fears, but we can support them
in such a way that they can focus fully on healing, without having to worrying about additional finances.

Therefore, we sell self-made wood hearts and other handcrafted pine wood products,
which are available in our shop in our Hotel and at the front desk.
A part of the money goes to the Association “Kinderherz Südtirol”, that wants to give help, answers, information, support and courage.
The association tries to help all the children and teenagers with a heart disease so that they will receive the best medical care in South Tyrol, Italy, Austria and even Germany.
Help us helping! Your family Senoner